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Queen's Debate or Americas vs European Skier's Debate

Queen's Debate or Americas vs European Skier's Debate

To Create or Answer a Topic

Started by Pavelski in Ski Chatter


Pavelski posted Dec-2007

If you read the posted message from the Queen, you will no doubt understand the controversy it has created.

Let us face it skiers in the Americas (US Canada) are different from European skiers. Not better,,,just different.

We have prepared a series of debates to illustrate how these two groups have varied perceptions.

Each week a new debating topic will be posted and on Monday to Tuesday the panel members will present their viewpoints.On the following days the "audience" can offer their opinions and perhaps comment on the positions of each team.

The panel members have been selected. They have been preparing themselves and are ready for the first international internet debate. Tune in on Monday!