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J2Ski Forum Posts and Replies by maggi

Messages posted by : maggi

Ski Club of GB joins North Korea
Started by User in Ski Chatter, 22 Replies
Hello, fellow ex posters of SCGB. I was actually thinking of joining the club but now - no way! Whatever they say about wanting to be inclusive, it seems that a few insults by idiots, (or alternatively was it constructive criticisms by informed skiers?) was enough to make them retire into their own cosy, we're OK you're not, world.

Incidently - Davidof, are you the David of Jungfrau region fame?
Awkward woman ;)
Started by User in Ski Hardware, 5 Replies
Hi Mac - I'm another ex Ski Club poster. A few criticisms and they take their ball away! Let's hope some of the "old crowd" discover this site and start posting.

Anyway, can't really say much on the boot problem. I'm on my second pair and still suffer from cramps, pain and pins and needles. They have been blown and I have Comformable footbeds. The only advice I can offer is always undo the boots on lifts, any lifts, drag, chair, whatever. This seems to help me.